End of July Progress Report


End of July and the hottest of summers on record, at least where I am at. I am happy to report a lot of great progress this past quarter so far! You may remember from a previous post where I mentioned that we will be skipping 0.4.5 and just calling this one 0.5 in light of how much content is going on in here.

One of the first things you may notice are some completely changed levels. Here, the bridge level is significantly more build up, and requires a bit of thinking now. I wanted show more just how much Luccia has to hide from other denizens in Arteria.

There are also many QoL Changes, such as the ability to skip battles that you have already fought. I know many of you wanted to explore and clean up some maps without having to go through the fight, so I made that possible.

In addition to that, the achievement system is so much better, and the rewards are plentiful. Each map will have a success image afterward, and if you get all the achievements in the section, it will get lewder.

There has been a *significant* amount of pixel upgrades as well. This is old news, but when I say I've put ALOT more pixel content in the game, I really meant it.
Including one minigame that involves Luccia camping by herself.

Lastly, the next MAJOR SCENE is coming along great. Here is a tiny spoiler!
I would say this H scene is about 40% completed. I have toyed with the idea of releasing a build with half of this H scene first, and the other half in a later content update - it really depends on what is going on at the moment and if I can (and you can) spare the extra time.

I'd like to ensure everyone gets an opportunity to swing by the discord channel as well, as this is where all the discussion goes down. Join us here:

Supporters get access to the #Polls channel, where supporters can weigh in on decisions, the #taskboard channel, where they can see exactly what is being worked on and how far along it is, the #dev-notes-live channel, where I chronolog all of what i'm doing in the engine, and lastly #ExclusiveContent and #art-wip-approvals, where artists share what they are working on and myself and Cheka approve the work.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you guys again in the next post!

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