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You guys!

You can get around the save-crashes-the-game issue, and the orcs-catching-you-crashes-the-game-issue by:

Open the directory C:\Users\(your user here)\AppData\Local\

Find Heavy Hearts. If it was crashing for you before, rename this something else. (like: oldHeavy Hearts)

Then play 0.3.2. This will make a new Heavy Hearts directory there, with the new files it needs.

I guess the ultimate fix would have to create a new subfolder for each version.

No clue why, but the fix does not work for me.

Pls Android version🙏

Love the game. Quick question tho, how many h scenes are there in the public version? So far I got three but there's still more boxes so I'm just curious. Thanks


Hi! The spicy has more, thats for sure. You should be able to see the bath, and the Orc, and the unlockable bonuses

Damn u responded before I even checked again. Thanks for the quick reply have a good one

Please, I am not smart, how do I get out of the orc village undetected? I am the worst at stealth.

you just need to stay a certain number of pixels away from the orc. It's a small number.

Anyone know how to win the fight of strange lorestone? I'm able to get through the first three stages by deflecting, but the 4th stage is just insane.

And also about that 'seek affection in the spirits' thing, there are 3 spirits in total right? And I have their affection as long as they glow, right?


hey, you should come by the discord. You'll get faster responses.

For the arcane golem, there is a message from the dev telling you not to fight it because you can't win. (It's a placeholder until a certain mechanic is implemented.)


Thx. I'll check it out.

(1 edit)

Bug report (v0.3.2):

Press ESC, select 'MAIN MENU', and press ESC again, then the popup will stuck there.

(1 edit)

Bug report (v0.3.2):

If you quit the game right after losing a battle, the game crashes upon you loading a save.

Actually if you load a game right after finishing a battle, the game would also crash

(1 edit)

A multi-save slots system is advised. One auto-save is just not enough

May sound a little stupid but how the hell do I advance dialogue??? Right after the messages after she breaks down at the start, the bird starts talking telling me to leave to escape the orcs. But for the life of me I can't figure out how to go to the next piece of dialogue. I've clicked everywhere on the screen, hit every button on my keyboard, nothing.

have you tried Z, X, or C?

X did it, thanks for the quick response. Can't believe I didn't hit that key in all my mashing.

(1 edit)

for all those unable to find the gallery in the house, its the Chair by the black table. im not sure if u have to complete level 5 to access it or just unlock it at level 3

I'm missing 3 of the gallery and have no clue on how to get the


Not all of the boxes have scenes... yet.

Ah thanks I thought about that just wanted to make sure not to waste time looking for something thats not there.

please someone tell me how to access the gallery i completed level 3 and  went to the house but nothing happened

I played an older version on Windows, was wondering if there will be compatibility on Linux.

probably not for awhile


there no lewd contect in the public zip or the paid one extra spicy?

(1 edit)

im not sure if it's intended, or is it the problem of my pc, but everything seems... slow?

0.3.1 btw

Ensure your PC settings is optimized for performance. This game is particle heavy.

Game seems to glitch on lvl 4, I beat the first spirit and she doesn't move forward to the next fight.

edit. it was glitched on every lvl, had to completely restart game to fix it. I think it happened from doing manual saving/loading.

it says it requires msvcr100 and 110 to run but i have those downloaded and there is no c++ download available for it 

for reference i also replaced the missing files already with the ones from the missing dll folder

lol nevermind i had to add 32bit files to syswow not system32

i dont know if i already asked that question but will you make an Linux version, since i have trouble running the game with wine/Proton.

right now the engine I use only supports windows and switch. Until more export options come out, we are stuck

hey just here to report a minor bug, one of the walls near the start doesn't have collision so you can just step up a higher part of the hil

Thanks. Will fix. Hope you enjoyed otherwise.

i completed level 3 and i went to luccia's house and nothing happened to open the gallery do i have to click something somewhere inside the house? i kept clicking all around the house and nothing happened

I just downloaded 0.3.1 spicy and my vpn deleted it claiming it had malware. Not to sure if it’s just my vpn bugging anyone else have this happen?


i can assure you there is no malware, if downloaded from here or patreon.

Good enough for me!


Can you please make an Android Version?


I am unable to delete the game? is anyone else having this issue? 

I can delete all the files except for the audio resources, every method I've tried refuses to uninstall them

is there only 3 levels? i defeated the giant orc in the nest when disguised as orcette but i didnt go to the next stage

you need to rescue the human in the orc villa

I really want to play it, but each time I open the app via the windows file opener, it had a system error saying "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP120.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."

I do not understand what's going on.

usually helps to google your error.

You need to download and install Microsoft Visual C Runtime. That is the preferred method. 

I've also included a folder called /common missing DLLs/ that you can use, but it's always better to get them from the source 

(1 edit)

Got the same problem here..hope the creator of this game,can check and solve the same problem because I can't play from version 0.25 until now

Deleted 2 years ago

You are not supposed to. There is even a warning from the DEV before fighting it.

i can't seem to defeat the orc boss when disguised as orcette any idea on what i should do?

It requires being fast and having good luck with critical hits. Attack 3x combos, use Magic Charge 2 often. Do not let your orbs fill up. Do not try to block. Exploit the stagger mechanic - if you stagger yourself with -1 or -2 Poise, you will return with 25 poise. 

thank you i finally defeated him

How do i access the gallery?

Complete Level 3 and then go back to Luccia's house

sorry for asking too many questions, but where is Luccia's house?

back at the Grove where you started. Just go backwards from where you start

Deleted 2 years ago

Is it normal to have empty spaces in the gallery? To be precise there are spaces in the 1st,4th and 5th space.

(1 edit) (+1)

Only played a little bit of 0.2.5 so far, before realizing I installed the wrong version as I got this in the lewd bundle a few months back. I have a few points of feedback for 0.2.5:

  • Text fade-in for exposition and memory crystals is in dire need of optimization. The game runs at about 5 fps when text is fading in, so hitting X to skip the animation is mandatory if I don't want to wait a whole minute for one page of text.
  • Esc both pauses the game and toggles fullscreen. There doesn't seem to be a way to get back to the main menu without closing and reopening the game.
  • The tags specify turn-based combat, but from what I can tell, that's not actually a thing here. There are no "turns"; the combat is real-time. Both the enemy and the player can attack at any time.
  • The lewd scene in the first area is actually available in 0.2.5 - the red crystal in front of the cave stays, but the hitbox doesn't. The player can just walk in and view the scene.
  • For what it's worth, I feel like players should get that first lewd scene as a freebie. A preview, if you will. A taste. Before I remembered I got this through the Christmas lewd bundle and had installed the wrong version, I had basically no idea how good the lewds would actually be, and was pretty negative on the idea of paying $10, as the combat hasn't seemed at all compelling to me so far (it's much too slow-paced, and the enemies don't seem to telegraph their attacks at all).
  • Regarding the tentacle throat-fuck in that cave memory, due to the silhouette of the tentacle seeming the same size as the tentacle and being very well-defined, it looks more like the tentacle is penetrating her tongue and jaw and pushing under the skin of her neck; it's kind of unsettling. Hopefully this can get another pass at some point to make the bulge thicker and less well-defined, so it actually looks like her neck is bulging from something going down her throat. Something to pass on to the animators.
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idk how  to beat lvl  5 boss 

Lv5 Boss is a scripted event, which you cannot win. The story progresses after the loss.


Attempted to run 'spicy' version, will not run. It is missing the following files:

- MSVCP120.dll

- MSVCR120.dll

- MSVCR100.dll

- MSVCR120.dll (again?)

Reinstalling did not work. I have the most recent runtime.


hiya. Those DLL files are from Microsoft Visual C runtime, a package that your operating system needs for the game to function. You should download and install those from the Microsoft website. Always helps to Google your error messages

I have the same thing and I downloaded visual c from the Microsoft site so...

in the most recent build, I have included those DLL files in a folder called /common missing DLLs/. You can try those but you should always try to get them from the source

Nice, Thank you! 


I cant seem to get the game running.Initially it was a problem with some .dll files, but after attempting to fix it by reinstalling the most recent Visual C Runtime as you have advised, it would instead display an 0xc00007b error.
Any idea how to fix it?

best place to start is looking up the error code in google, as each operating system and drivers are unique in how they handle exceptions like this.

Character doesn't move after opening scene, and it doesn't seem like I'm the only one with this issue. I'll keep watch for future updates though.

most people restart the game from the beginning and it works. No known cause for the fault atm


seem the game broke twice... after the start the character wont move at all...

Did you restart the game?

got it to work, seem to only work if fullscreen on title before, after that can change screen size :D


Its a very strange bug and every time it fixes, its for a different reason. very strange

yeah, might be trying to use another control source?

I might be stupid, but how to do access the new doggy scene? I've played through a few times and can't figure it out.

Hi, that doggy scene is actually a preview that will be in 0.3.1 Spicy

(1 edit) (+1)

can you make a speed up button at the start
also can you make a setting when you first open the game so that when i begin playing i dont have to listen to that annoying siren

if i buy the spicy version now, will i also get access to the next update of the spicy version when it comes out?

Yes. Purchasing a copy means you own it. Every time the game is updated on this store page, you may continue downloading it without paying again.

thanks for the quick reply, i didn't know for sure as i'm not familiar with games that don't just have a "buy" button at the top. will definitely be buying it though!


is there a cheat mode ? I would like to skip some fights.... thanks :)

No cheats yet.

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