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(1 edit) (+1)

Sadly, the game is still unplayable.
This time, it crashed after trying to manually save. Save lost.

Can you give more information, such as where you where when you tried to save? And what error it gave?

Rhed freezes midflight in the mountains every time after talking to the yellow-eyed wolf, once he says he can't fly.


Im going to release a hotfix shortly


Hotfix uploaded

(1 edit)

Please tell me the save/load bug was targeted with this hotfix! I've wanted to actually delve into this game, but restarting every loss was so painful haha

EDIT: Sadly, still no savefile fix. Oh well, I am loving what I've played. I can't wait to see more. Stuck in Orc Village stealth section (after rain) due to save bug now.

What version are you playing? There is currently a workaround that prevents the save-load crash.

I'm having the same issue, 0.3.5 public version.

0.3.5, Paid (spicy) version, with hotfix released yesterday

Hey, I bought this game at version 0.3.3 and with the recent update to 0.3.5, I cant download this version without paying for it. I'm probably missing something but i just wanted to see if there was a issue.

you should have access to the build if you paid for the previous version. Once you buy it here, it's yours. 

Worst case, DM me on discord and I'll help you out.

I found it, thanks.

You must log into your itch account and on games section u will find it

Check the top of the page for a grey bar saying you own the game.

The public version crashes in the tutorial, and if you skip to the grove you can't walk around in the first section.

at what part does it crash in the tutorial?

Are you accessing the menu at any point?

I don't know if it only happened to me but the bird remains stopped after the dialogues on stage 6 


after that dialogue

Which version?

3.5 spicy from patreon


alright. I'll check into what's happening and get back to you.

If I find the culprit, I will be publishing a hotfix


Orc scene - 2nd time around - the eyes are missing. And mouth. And voice.

uh oh


Thanks for catching that so quickly, I already published a hotfix

I thought it was kind of neat. You should make people pay extra for eyes and mouths on sprites. Consider it for a higher patreon tier.

additional facial expressions? I'll consider it!

Exactly how much of the gallery is able to be unlocked at the moment? Game is fun for sure, even without the H content though

(1 edit)

any plan on releasing to steam?

i like what i played so far. its definitely a unique combat system for an H game. im not entire sure how to get H content....I managed to get one scene by visiting the lake, and by losing to an orc in the pit...but, the game crashes upon game overs so i wasn't really able to admire it. are they all sex on defeat? not that i mind. i prefer that actually. makes it easier to 'window shop' for enemies. can pick what i want to see on the fly...anyway, can't comment on the H content atm im afraid. i'll wait for 3.5 to try again.

So some H is tied to story choices, some to combat, and some to lorestones (make sure to find all blue lorestones in an area to unlock the cave with a red lorestone) afaik

When can we expect v 0.3.5.?

Currently the game only reaches level 7 right? because I can't go any further, there are even other scenes besides the orcs? amazing game

thank you =)

The orc stuff is getting an update and then we are moving onto the next species 

on Gamepad und maus is unplayabil 

I died and now can't play anymore.
Game crashes every time.


Its a save loading crash. Im working on it

(1 edit)

Any idea when Steam version will be released? I wishlisted it awhile back! Stoked to play this as its nice to have an actual game with H content VS the typical go here and do a thing type game lol Or maybe even an Early Access version there? I Would deff pay for that. 


There will be a steam demo "when its done"... I want HH to meet the high standards of the steam community first.

Fair enough. I totally forgot to reply to this, but thanks for the update lol. Regarding price...Will it be the same on Steam as it is here? or will it be priced differently? Really jus tryna figure out if i should pick it up here or just wait for the steam. Also any plans for Steam TCG and or achievements?

as of right now, I plan to keep the price the same. Unsure on steam achievements, etc

Awesome. Thanks for the feedback! Tried to sum up all my questions in that last post instead of several threads lol.  Stoked to see the final product <3


So I have a problem, where when I try to open the game it opens up a background process but doesn't actually open any screen. Halp?

might need more information. What operating system are you on? What type of video card? 

Windows 10 but I managed to fix it if openend as admin. But i don't know if that was intended from you or not


You shouldn't HAVE to use admin priveleges.... but im glad it worked out. It may be due to your security settings.

I've tried both with Itch Player and normal download, and then followed both methods from 

but I still get the errors when trying to start the game. 

There is a folder in the game directory that has required DLLs that should make the game work.

thanks, got it working after putting them all into both the 32 and 64 things.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

What's the difference between the normal version and the spicy version? Like how much more content and such.

i keep running into a  problem when every time i try and start the game it says "MSVCR not found reinstalling may help" ive downloaded what i presumed to be the latest version of VCR off microsoft and it still hasnt worked

In the Heavy Hearts directory is a folder called "Common missing DLL files".
Use those DLL files to fix the issue.

thank you

Will there be a mobile version?

Dying immediately closed (or crashed) the game, and pressing "continue" on startup also closes/crashes it.

That is due to a known issue with loading saves in the current version with my engine. a patch is coming shortly.

dammitbird is still trying to fix the savefile bug. It's mentioned in the update logs, but it is still not fixed as of the most recent hotfix (I just checked). Best bet is to have patience or, for the programmers out there, to see if they can help any. Sounds like a doozy of a bug

There's a bug in the game that ruins a save file and makes proceeding impossible. If you save at any spot in the game and then die, you are reset to the exact same spot as where you saved. The problem with that is if you save at a spot before you die, it softlocks you, for example, you save the game right before touching something that instantly kills you, when you respawn, you end up right where you saved and then you just die again instead of just spawning at the first part of the screen. I made the mistake of saving while falling out of the level while checking out the wolf level since I respawned at the end of one screen and didn't think "What if I just respawn right back here again" because no game ever really does that and my save file is now completely wrecked. One more thing about that level is that if you fall out and die, when you do respawn, the character is locked inside of the falling animation and you can't do anything afterwards. Two irritating bugs that I came across that I hope are fixed. The game is good.

thanks for this.

I'm going to be putting out a new version shortly that will address alot of these issues. In addition, it will have a skip to the latest content option. 

There is definitely an issue with loading saves right now. You are saying that you were able to load a save while in the wolf level?


Yes I was able to save and load a save inside of the wolf level

woah wait what? This could help solve the savefile bug.


I'd love to play this game, but I literally cannot even start it up

I can help you if you describe whats happening


I had the game installed on Itch Launcher. Anytime I'd hit launch, it wouldn't start up. I tried re-installing, but that didn't help. Every single time I would click on launch, the game just wouldn't open. I might have to try downloading it from the website instead.


odd. Itch launcher should be fine

It doesnt give you any errors?

I'm thinking of buying the spicy version. Though before I do, I was wondering: If I buy the game now, will I get access to all further updates or do I have to buy each new release separately?

And will the game be properly updated on Itch? I know some devs use Itch for pre-release versions and only release/update the full version on Steam...


You will always own the game, even when new versions come out.

the game will always be available on itch, even after it is available on steam.

Thanks for clarifying. You just got yourself a customer. Keep up the good work! :D

Thank you. Standby for new updates =)

It's got great content and a cool combat system.

hello there. first off all, your game is amazing! I've played it for a while and it's so good. i have some suggestion regarding the control.

could you perhaps change the control please? like pressing enter button to interact and ESC button to pause.


thank you for the positive feedback!

You can always rebind keys by pressing F1

Oh, really? thank you for the hint.


Is there a plan to make an android version of this one?

I seem to have lost the ability to access the pause menu or my inventory upon leaving the Grove.

does anybody know of a solution for crashing on load that isn't posted in the comments yet? i tried every solution in there, but they didn't work


I'm also having an issue when where I load, or get a game over it crashes.  Usually costing me my save data too


Hey guys, for both of you- i am working on a patch that fixes this bug. It should be out soon.


Thanks for the fast reply!


thanks for the fast reply and consistently being helpful and patient with my idiocy

It's a strange bug, so don't feel bad for not knowing about it. Hopefully they can figure it out :)

where is the spicy version? i can't find a link to buy it on this page or on your patreon

press download now, input at least the minimum price, and then you can download it.

Once you buy it, the game and all future updates are yours.

Yo, the opening is sick.vibing on the title screen right now...

When I try to run it, it say some file is missing.


i ran into the same issue and figured it out: when you open up the file that the game is in, there should be a folder at the top that says: "Common Missing DLLs" i grabbed everything in the folder and pasted them back in the main game file, and the game ran and played after that. there is another issue where the game isnt loading a save however, just crashes, but based on a previous comment below the dev is aware and working to fix it.

Whenever I try to select continue on the menu, the game crashes..

There is  current bug that makes the game crash on loading a save. im working on it and will put out a patch


Good deal! (.)(.) <- Bobz = ^_^



spicy version.... level 1... get all lorestones.


So this is less of a bug.
In the open world whilst running and coming to a halt, but still holding the sprint button makes the sprite play the animation for running.
It is purely visual though.

And also i want to compliment your spritework, everything looks lovely so far

Will they ever release a downloadable version for mac?

I do not expect a Mac version to happen.


After I have deleted the old file. still am crashing 😥

(1 edit)

the game crashes evry time i try to continue my game

Hello! You have to clear your old saved game folder, located in users/appdata/local/heavy hearts

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