I can't tell if I'm experiencing apocalyptic levels of skill issue but the orc enemies in the third level are capable of doing 80+ damage through a block, typically instantly flattening me and leaving me with a 90+ second stagger on their first hit. I have no idea what the game is asking of me here.
I've tried that too but with enemies being able to do 80+ damage I usually die in a few hits. As far as I can tell there's no way to use or equip items or grind my stats, which would be my usual response to an enemy that kills me in seconds.
I have. Tends to work pretty well on regular enemies but for bosses it merely makes a dent and it feels like I either have the option of having my entire poise bar deleted and get a 90+ second stun, or having my entire health bar deleted and dying anyway. If the intent is that you're supposed to oneshot bosses before they can even hit you, I feel like the game might need better explanations as to the how.
Yeah, save compatibility rarely works between versions. That is because of the amount of changes between builds. To help with this, I've added the ability to skip content, but that is only for players that have already played through the main game once
im at the armory now and cant find the armory key. i found marley in post 7. but cant find eny key for th armory. or the way in to the female quarters (hole in the wall, but where)
I paid for access to the full version some time ago and never realized that I only played the demo, and never got access to the current version. Would like to get this resolved before the new update come out. How would I go about doing that?
Thanks again to dammitbird for helping me out. If anyone else if having an issue getting the full version after purchasing it on itch, try downloading from the itch website purchases page and not off of the app.
I've played through it twice well half way through it I got to the part were we play as a wolf and when i logged off it wouldn't load ( from like anywhere in the game i logged off in an early game also when you break the lightskin chick out of jail both times it wouldn't save). I thought i got scammed because an update came out and i went to download it and itchio didn't let me so i was honestly just confused like i have the ssc on my page of proof of purchase ( when i say on my page i mean it says i have the game purchased i didnt ssc it yet but i do have prove of purchase if you want a ssc) so yea basically i can only download the demo and my game wont save...
lmao yeah theoretically any PC should be able to run a pixelart game, though im not sure how integrated graphics handle the game since they are all so different. I'd suggest checking your directx version, along with microsoft visual c runtime. Usually running windows update handles most issues but I cant say for sure
Phenomenal game, only had a crash(demo) when failing vs. Orcosaurus on my pacifism 2nd attempt at same stage and couldn't get my controller movement to register out of combat. Looking forward to steam release.
Hi, seemed to have run into a bug with the Orcosaurus fight. Have completed Norge's quest and have spoken to Scab with the items needed. He is no longer hiding behind the tree or at the fight arena, so cannot start the fight. Also, before this bug happened I attempted fighting Orcosaurus (which Scab was present for) but would constantly lose poise until it reached -1, and it would stay at this value until I reloaded a save or until HP reached 0.
I'd love to play this game but unfortunately after downloading and unzipping the files it won't let me tsrat the game stating it's missing MSVCP140.ddl VCRUNTIME140.dll
I've tried multiple times so if anyone knows a fix for this let me know please!
You need to install Microsoft Visual C Runtime, which windows normally installs automatically via Windows update. Ensure you do this, or install it manually (version 140 or higher)
The game's been super fun so far that I just had to buy it, but I do have a question. I was told there was a gallery we could view in-game by "going to Luccia's cabin". How do I access that?
Hello, I've already unlocked the gallery in the shed and I was wondering if theres a way to replay gallery sprite/pixel scenes just like the slime ones, luccia, masturbation or the random chests on combat where she gets fucked by monsters mid combat, and if there is not yet, I think it would be cool if you could replay them in the gallery once unlocked
I am curious as to how you access the cave on the 2nd level as I'm pretty sure that I've explored everywhere and cannot seem to find a way to get to it, unless it's something you come back to later on after unlocking something 🤷. Also I liked the Mario reference with the mushroom description.
Since I've pledged on Patreon, is there any way to get access to the full game in itch.io? I followed a link posted about silver tier+ access but it just takes me to the public demo.
hmmm thats weird. If you have your patreon connected to you itch page, you should be able to follow a link that grants you the itch version. If you have troubles just contact me on discord
can't move to the next area after the cave. the merchant and another area opened up and i can go to the merchant but not the next area. am i missing something?
If you leave the Orc Villa Thorne immediately west of where you start, without interacting with the camp at all, you still get the same cutscene as though you saved the girl there.
If I buy the game every time there is a new update will I get it for free or do I have to pay again? I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I don't really know how this page works.
i love this game but i got a problem. once i am in the world map i can't move from a level to another. how can i solve that or what could be the cause ?
"Luccia will find out what happened, stop the extinction, and repopulate the human race (some mixing may occur!)"
Will this indicate that we'll see impregnation implemented in game? also if so how in depth will it be? game over, multiple ending, in game mechanic, etc...
Really enjoying the game couple questions/ potential bugs
1. How do i get to the gallery?
2. Ive beat all the available levels but while going back to 3 star them ive had a couple issues. First off in the Cave level (5) the lorestone to trigger the boss is gone and second in the 3rd level I cant find out what the orcs are up to.
Beat it through level 9 and am going back to complete remaining quests.did not defeat arcane golem. The lorestone to trigger the arcane golem fight is no longer there. The paladin is still near it. Have left the area, came back, closed and loaded the game. Still is not there.
← Return to game
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Is there any hope of this game coming to android?
Nope. But people have emulated it.
I can't tell if I'm experiencing apocalyptic levels of skill issue but the orc enemies in the third level are capable of doing 80+ damage through a block, typically instantly flattening me and leaving me with a 90+ second stagger on their first hit. I have no idea what the game is asking of me here.
Honestly most regular fights are winnabke by just spamming attack and never blocking
I've tried that too but with enemies being able to do 80+ damage I usually die in a few hits. As far as I can tell there's no way to use or equip items or grind my stats, which would be my usual response to an enemy that kills me in seconds.
have you tried using magic or heavy attacks before they attack?
I have. Tends to work pretty well on regular enemies but for bosses it merely makes a dent and it feels like I either have the option of having my entire poise bar deleted and get a 90+ second stun, or having my entire health bar deleted and dying anyway. If the intent is that you're supposed to oneshot bosses before they can even hit you, I feel like the game might need better explanations as to the how.
i cant seem to find the third objective on the third mission, where you have to find what the orcs are planning, anyone know what it is
it's automatically achieved when you beat the mission
I cant Open Marleys closet even though i have The Key idk whats going on
so umm is it possible to move the Demo save game to the full version, now that i have purchased it ?
i have alredy coppyed the demo Save to the full game save folder, but with no effect
Yeah, save compatibility rarely works between versions. That is because of the amount of changes between builds. To help with this, I've added the ability to skip content, but that is only for players that have already played through the main game once
thanks ended up just replaying it.
im at the armory now and cant find the armory key. i found marley in post 7. but cant find eny key for th armory. or the way in to the female quarters (hole in the wall, but where)
youll have to get the Armory Key from Marleys room in the Barracks. Make sure to enter Sgt Gardners room through the broken window in the back
Thanks allot man spent like 30 min feeling like an idiot, not getting the hint about the lock picking tools lol.
I paid for access to the full version some time ago and never realized that I only played the demo, and never got access to the current version. Would like to get this resolved before the new update come out. How would I go about doing that?
Can you dm me on discord? Its the best way i can help you.
Thanks again to dammitbird for helping me out. If anyone else if having an issue getting the full version after purchasing it on itch, try downloading from the itch website purchases page and not off of the app.
Please make a port for mobile
i bought it on 50 percent off and now i cant get the latest version is this a typo or was i just scammed and also ny game doesnt save
You most certainly were not scammed. You'll have to tell me more about your problem to see if I can help you.
I've played through it twice well half way through it I got to the part were we play as a wolf and when i logged off it wouldn't load ( from like anywhere in the game i logged off in an early game also when you break the lightskin chick out of jail both times it wouldn't save). I thought i got scammed because an update came out and i went to download it and itchio didn't let me so i was honestly just confused like i have the ssc on my page of proof of purchase ( when i say on my page i mean it says i have the game purchased i didnt ssc it yet but i do have prove of purchase if you want a ssc) so yea basically i can only download the demo and my game wont save...
are you using the itch app, or are you using the web? I've heard some similar issues that were resolved from downloading using the web.
The game keeps crashing as soon as i click to play it, a black window pops up and it says "heavily hearts isn't responding" is this issue solvable
im not sure. I'd need to know more about your system
My spec are:
10 gbs ram
I3 2120
HP motherboard
Intel HD 2000
Don't make fun of my potato pc but it is capable of running pixelart games!
lmao yeah theoretically any PC should be able to run a pixelart game, though im not sure how integrated graphics handle the game since they are all so different.
I'd suggest checking your directx version, along with microsoft visual c runtime. Usually running windows update handles most issues but I cant say for sure
I do have Microsoft visual c 2016-2022 with a directX 12. Do you think i should re-download the game file?
Phenomenal game, only had a crash(demo) when failing vs. Orcosaurus on my pacifism 2nd attempt at same stage and couldn't get my controller movement to register out of combat. Looking forward to steam release.
Hi, seemed to have run into a bug with the Orcosaurus fight. Have completed Norge's quest and have spoken to Scab with the items needed. He is no longer hiding behind the tree or at the fight arena, so cannot start the fight. Also, before this bug happened I attempted fighting Orcosaurus (which Scab was present for) but would constantly lose poise until it reached -1, and it would stay at this value until I reloaded a save or until HP reached 0.
how do i get full version
I'd love to play this game but unfortunately after downloading and unzipping the files it won't let me tsrat the game stating it's missing MSVCP140.ddl VCRUNTIME140.dll
I've tried multiple times so if anyone knows a fix for this let me know please!
You need to install Microsoft Visual C Runtime, which windows normally installs automatically via Windows update. Ensure you do this, or install it manually (version 140 or higher)
The game's been super fun so far that I just had to buy it, but I do have a question. I was told there was a gallery we could view in-game by "going to Luccia's cabin". How do I access that?
Back in Luccia's cabin, you have to interact with the sitting chair in the "living room".
having a problem where every time i finish the scene after getting the cell key my game crashes. any fix or way to get around having to get the key
Hello, I've already unlocked the gallery in the shed and I was wondering if theres a way to replay gallery sprite/pixel scenes just like the slime ones, luccia, masturbation or the random chests on combat where she gets fucked by monsters mid combat, and if there is not yet, I think it would be cool if you could replay them in the gallery once unlocked
Can you get past the orc that pops up if you take the key without him assaulting you in area 4?
that is a scripted scene. Im sure most people don't mind seeing it.
Gotcha. I wanted to ask if it was even possible so I don't spend a bunch of time trying to get around it
I am curious as to how you access the cave on the 2nd level as I'm pretty sure that I've explored everywhere and cannot seem to find a way to get to it, unless it's something you come back to later on after unlocking something 🤷. Also I liked the Mario reference with the mushroom description.
Hiya! Yeah, that upper cave area unlocks after you beat the level's superboss.
Ah gotcha, thanks a bunch!
Since I've pledged on Patreon, is there any way to get access to the full game in itch.io? I followed a link posted about silver tier+ access but it just takes me to the public demo.
hmmm thats weird. If you have your patreon connected to you itch page, you should be able to follow a link that grants you the itch version. If you have troubles just contact me on discord
how do you hit the start button on the main menu?
I hit every key on my key board and I can't figure it out
the keys are z,x,c,v
x is like the OK button
can't move to the next area after the cave. the merchant and another area opened up and i can go to the merchant but not the next area. am i missing something?
Use the arrow keys
that was it, thx
I had a crash occur after losing to the sacred obelisk. It seems that save also became corrupted too, the game crashes whenever I try to load it.
I also notice that if you use Q to skip the conversation with Rhed after the Orc Patrol Base fight, you do not get the third star.
If there is a better place to report bugs, let me know.
If you leave the Orc Villa Thorne immediately west of where you start, without interacting with the camp at all, you still get the same cutscene as though you saved the girl there.
Thats actually not true. You will get a different conversation, telling you that you missed something, and the next level will not unlocked.
If I buy the game every time there is a new update will I get it for free or do I have to pay again? I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I don't really know how this page works.
once you buy it, you own the game with every Update on itch.
When will my favorite game be released on steam?
Hopefully within the next year!
i love this game but i got a problem. once i am in the world map i can't move from a level to another. how can i solve that or what could be the cause ?
It's a bug that is only caused when using WASD. Try using the arrow keys.
This has been fixed in the latest build.
i tryed and it dosn't work. it's look like the game is completly frozen nothing work
"Luccia will find out what happened, stop the extinction, and repopulate the human race (some mixing may occur!)"
Will this indicate that we'll see impregnation implemented in game? also if so how in depth will it be? game over, multiple ending, in game mechanic, etc...
you will have to wait and see
Great game but saves dont work every time i close the game i have to restard from the begining
Sorry my bad i just had to run it as administrator and now its all good
I'm noticing the same issue. does the game auto save? I tried the administator strategy and I'm still not seeing a save button anywhere
Pretty good game, not much else to say, unique combat system and fun characters
do we have the option to change the mc to a guy?
damn 10 downvotes come on help the gay homie out brotha
dang it
Really enjoyed it in pc and i would like to ask if this would be ported to android as to play it from anywhere
It won't be ported, But, i some people have successfully emulated it though. I don't know how they did it.
Can we emulate it via joiplay?
Really enjoying the game couple questions/ potential bugs
1. How do i get to the gallery?
2. Ive beat all the available levels but while going back to 3 star them ive had a couple issues. First off in the Cave level (5) the lorestone to trigger the boss is gone and second in the 3rd level I cant find out what the orcs are up to.
Where can I find the cave?
how to go in the cave on level 2
too bad I am on Mac...
I am in love with this game and the author!
Thank you for such a wonderful creation)))
hey, is there any expected release window for steam? sorry if you have been asked this 100+ times
when it's done, lol. Hopefully within a year or so
Best h game I have ever played hands down
Author make an android version of this game 😆
Sorry, im unable to do that. But, i have seen people emulate it successfully.
How do we emulate it though?
Android ?
possible bug:
Beat it through level 9 and am going back to complete remaining quests.did not defeat arcane golem. The lorestone to trigger the arcane golem fight is no longer there. The paladin is still near it. Have left the area, came back, closed and loaded the game. Still is not there.
That is a common break that happens when people enable cheat mode. The disclaimer when using cheat mode says is breaks some progression.
Did not enable cheat mode. Would not know how. Figured it might have been because I went through the end of level 9
Will there ever be a mobile port?
No. Ive seen people emulate it on monile though
how do I emulate it?