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(1 edit) (+1)

So just finished the orc town area and was in the area with all the blood colored crystals. I examined the area to the top left of Priscilla and after some dialogue box that somehow glitched and gave me an empty text box that I couldn't clear and so was stuck there. Not a huge issue since I just saved, so restarted the game.

Slightly larger issue: I can't load the save file. It lets me select the file and select load, but when I get the prompt to load with the green X or Red C to cancel nothing happens. The game just refuses to load.

Looking at my file stats on the bottom right though something suggests to me that my progress wasn't really saving properly. It shows no money, no stars, and 0 playtime. Are there bugs with the save spots? It always said saved every time I interacted with them.

Playing on the latest Windows version with a MSI Vector GP76 laptop.

im having a similar issue i died to the big orc and the game crashed and now it crashes whenever i try to load the save

I wish I could play it, but I am stuck on Mac and all emulator run rather poorly on it.

This game is pretty good ngl. The art is also superb. By any chance, will there be an Android version of this game in the future? Thanks.


not likely. Unless I switch engines, which would delay the game very much


Port to android😈

How do you access the gallery?

Can you make it for phone?

I have finished the game but i don't find the gallery at home, where is it pls

Hey dammitbird, I bought the game for $9 around 10 months ago, but I can't download the game anymore and can't access the spicy build, anyway to fix that?

DM Me on discord

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How do i get the Armor Key??? I am at t´he lvl with that Wplf tryinf to help the Bird and now i am at a castel and i need need a Armor Key, but idk how and its getting to annoy me. so i could use a littlr help!


Its in Marley's room. But first, you need to grab the key in the Post 7 Basement.

(2 edits)

i made a safe in the second level before fighting orcasaurus, I lost and the game crashed, now if i try to load the save it just crash. is there anyway to solve it?

edit: also how do i access the gallery?

great game btw ^^

(1 edit)

not sure. Glad you are enjoying the game!

Hopefully we can address this in the next update

If you want I can send you the file over discord

what is the difference in content in the demo and the paid version?

The demo only goes up to level 5.

Also, the paid version has more lewd content.

Any plans on a Mac version?

I encountered a bug where I can't move sort of like @KazuCopy, though it was a different place. It was the 4th stage of the 7th level, I can provide my save file if you want. Other than that it was an amazing experience and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes. Keep up the wonderful work!

if you'd like to join the discord channel, you can send me the save from there


you can't save the demo game?

Yeah i have the same issue! you cant save at all?

Well, hello there. Found this pretty game from Twitter (yeah, there are still some things twitter is useful to) and didn't eat a day to get 400 hrivnas (10 bucks). So in that announcement of 0.4.2 it said that the sidequest for that big orc is fully finished yet in the game, after talking to that guy I had a message that quest is still under development. Did I missed something, or that a leftover message, that wasn't removed from public version?


the public demo doesn't have very much, but if you bought the game, you should be playing full 4.2 hotfix01. I don't think there is any leftover text. All you need to do is bring grumaz some material, then bring Norge the blackish some rocks, then fight orco. After that, there's a pixel scene.

Yeah-yeah, I've already get it, the text with non-finished side-quest seems to be about the mission is the crater. Yet I found another problem: I've lost a battle to Orco (after making preparations and staff) and the game just crashed. After that the save file is also crashed and the game offs whenever I try to load it.


your the 2nd person to mention this, so I'm going to look into it and hopefully get it addressed soon.

In the meantime, try out cheat mode to quickly get through that sidequest. (Spicy version only)


Hello! I'm on v04.2 - Hotfix1 PC, and after finishing the whole game I tried to finish the Orc sidequest but couldn't find any Coralite so I wanted to farm for it instead and saved the game on the shack as orc Luccia. When I loaded the save file, I couldn't moved my character at all.

No need to help me fix this, just wanted to report it for a bugfix maybe. The game's great so far, and I'm excited for its developments!


I'd be interested is getting a copy of your save file, though.

Could you swing by the discord?

i think my game is either currupted and or bugged. After fighting and defeating the first round of enemies on any level i cant progress to the second wave. The character just stays there. Is there something I can do? or does this require a restart from the beginning? 

What version are you on, and what have you already tried?

I don't think it's possible to get past the bird boss in the 2nd level. I just can't hit it. No matter how good I am at countering, it's meaningless as I can't hit the boss. I fought it for 10 minutes trying every attack available and couldn't do anything.


Well that doesnt sound right. Thats one of the easiest bosses


it crashed in the prologue...

(2 edits) (+3)

paid a good price for the game, but it is not my jam at all. I find it really difficult, and I am not sure if things are rendering funky or what, but blocking is a chore. I play plenty of fighting games, so I don't think it is PEBCAK. But I cant get past the second level.

Well, the second world map level. The one with a ton of orcs marching at the beginning. Maybe I missed some mechanic or something, idk.  

I do like the art style and the look. Dialogue gets a bit draggy sometimes. 
Over all, seems good enough - wish I could play it. 

(1 edit)

i dont know whats going on but i purchased this game before it hit 4.0 but now i cant download the spicy version

does it matter that it was priced at 9.00$ when i bought it

message me on discord and I'll fix the problem

whats your handle



Can you make a android version pls? I want to play this game so hard but I can't play it on pc 

pls make a android version for this

Will you ever do a version for android

What version is public demo?


Its the demo.

does the game has a gallery to replay scenes?



thank you


Can you make it for mobile

A bug I've noticed is that if I open the inventory (V key) in the world map it freezes.  Specifically I can still move around in the inventory, but I cannot close it or open the menu.  This is for version 0.4.2 Spicey.  


Yes, this bug got reported. It will be fixed in 4.2 Hotfix 01, which will be releasing later tonight/tomorrow morning.


Why is the demo the only thing available to download even though I bought the game a while ago? Is it just me?

Its a problem with itch. If you swing by the discord, i'll get you a copy.

Coolio. Do I just DM you or is there a channel i just ask in. I read the rules and saw that DMing is not allowed so i just want to be sure to avoid getting banned XD

go ahead and DM. It's ok since you rate a copy

theres a bug in the castle part of chapter 7 where when your in the basement and you have your inventory open if you walk up the stairs it locks all your interaction and you can only move around.

(1 edit)

Got the newest version (0.4.2), and it seems like picking up Marley's key doesn't give you the key, so I'm soft locked currently. Tried picking it up across 3 saves with the same results.

If you are trying to reuse old saves from 4.0, it will not fix.

I haven't used any old saves, 4.2 is my first time playing through.

Marley's Key isn't used in a straightforward manner.

It doesn't unlock the door from the hallway.

You can enter Marley's room without the key.

that key doesn't unlock her door. It unlocks her closet.


>"if you sub on Patreon or Subscribestar, you get the Spicy version!"

>forgets to mention that only people who pay the $20 tier or higher gain access to said version

I didn't know devs could sink that low. Wow.


show some respect. People at higher tiers get first. 

Any possibility it'll come out on Android?

probably not, unless you emulate

How do I unlock the last 4 gallery scenes?

The last 2 in the left column

The first one in the middle column

and the last one in the right column

(1 edit)

I'm lost. Been wandering around for 3 hours now. Where are the keys to the barracks.

Nevermind. Just found them.

try searching the bodies outside.

Make sure to read the notes for hints

im stuck on lvl 7 i got the west wing key and opened it but ther is a door that i can,t open its say [is there another way in to this room i feel a draft] help

try getting in via the broken window in the back of the barracks

man i think im stupid i found a broken window but when i click x nothing happends


Any chance the game will come to Mac?


You would have to emulate windows, or, a fan would have to port it.

Game is running extremely slow during the introduction, and then closed while loading the third boss fight. My PC is decent (2400G/6800xt) enough that I don't expect any issues running a game like this. Any ideas?

you'll have to give some more info, like what operating system you are on, and if you are getting any error msgs

CPU: 2400G
GPU: 6800 XT

OS: Windows 10

No error code on screen, could not locate any kind of log file with an error code either after the unexpected game shutdown/crash

Would a .net system report or the like help?

I don't think so. 

This is the only instance being reported with this kind of error. Is you visual c runtime up to date?

Either way, a new build is dropping week1 of March, so, standby for that.

How odd. I can see if I need to update my Visual C runtime, but it installed when I first launched the game so I don't know.

Will take a look around my PC to see if I can find an issue on my end; Windows setting odd defaults, or maybe my GPU drivers, etc.

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