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Really enjoying the game couple questions/ potential bugs

1. How do i get to the gallery?

2. Ive beat all the available levels but while going back to 3 star them ive had a couple issues. First off in the Cave level (5) the lorestone to trigger the boss is gone and second in the 3rd level I cant find out what the orcs are up to.

how to go in the cave on level 2

too bad I am on Mac...

I am in love with this game and the author!

Thank you for such a wonderful creation)))

hey, is there any expected release window for steam? sorry if you have been asked this 100+ times

when it's done, lol. Hopefully within a year or so


Best h game I have ever played hands down

Author make an android version of this game 😆

Sorry, im unable to do that. But, i have seen people emulate it successfully.

How do we emulate it though? 

Android ?

possible bug:

Beat it through level 9 and am going back to complete remaining quests.did not defeat arcane golem. The lorestone to trigger the arcane golem fight is no longer there. The paladin is still near it. Have left the area, came back, closed and loaded the game. Still is not there. 

(1 edit)

That is a common break that happens when people enable cheat mode. The disclaimer when using cheat mode says is breaks some progression.

Did not enable cheat mode. Would not know how. Figured it might have been because I went through the end of level 9

Will there ever be a mobile port?

No. Ive seen people emulate it on monile though


how do I emulate it?

The overall game is great 3.5 out 5, the issues with the game so far would be after defeating Orcosaurus, there supposed to be a scene but nothing is showing and u only hear the voices. The gallery was unlocked after finishing part 4 after rescuing the mage. It does not show or explain where it is located. and on the 9th part when rescuing the main character. The wolf for some reason shows a duplicate so at times i would get caught, and the change of scene after rescuing her also threw me off since there was a few items i can't obtain since it was out completely blocked off.

I hope any of this helps in the long run. the story is awesome so far. just little some hiccups have to be fixed. 

Thanks, ill try to make it better.

Hello, I got a problem. Right after beating level 2 and go to map, it unlocks level 3 but I cant move at all. No key does anything

Hey I may have missed something but on level 9, when Luccia is being held by the Glithe, the dog says he needs to give her something. What in the world is it? Is it here sword that's nearby? Because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to interact with it. I've done exterior collision all over that room and can find no other way to progress. 

Just outside the castle on the left there is a plant that you need to grab.

(1 edit)

So, I am a lazy dummy, and would highly appreciate some sort of guide/walkthrough cause I have a tendency to get lost/stuck on a quest, like Orcosaurus [I have no idea where to find the stones for the thing that weakens him]
I'm the kind of player that at least tries for a little while to figure things out on my own, but I don't have a great deal of patience for doing the same search for several hours if it can be helped.

I've tried searching the internet for an independent one, and the closest I could find was a youtube channel that's been deleted.


Thanks for the feedback. We dont control walkthrus, those are usually fan generated



Bug Report:

I seem to have gotten stuck in the orc camp talking to the cook. I've already gotten the bruole and given some to the orc that promised to help me with Orcosaurus and I was just talking to different orcs to see if there was a new option to ask for the items.
I can still access the journal and inventory, animations and bgm are still active, can't talk to the cook anymore, directionals don't do anything outside of inventory.

This is the purchased version of the game.

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Ill take a look at this. So you can't talk to him anymore, or you are locked there and can't move?


i also encountered a bug where i was stuck but it was when i was talking to the white wolf  and a slime jumped me i got pushed between the wolf and an edge 

also the game crashes everytime i try to load a specific save save

... There's a slime around there?

yeah if you go down a little

can you tell me the location of the save that is crashing?

sorry ive got no idea

How do i save the game

please help i cant find armory key

go to room 202 and there is a false wall with the key its in the basement on outpost 7

Where is the basement? I am not able to find it

its a fake wall in outpost 7

do you plan to release a iOS/Android version?


I am afraid that you are mistaken. IOS does not support any  type of external app to run on your phone. Therefore only an Android version could be released.


If i buy the game in its current state does it give access to future releases ? :) I really loved the demo and i want to buy it


Yes, you get all future releases

Wish i had a method to play this on mobile. Couldnt get emulators to work

I can't go to level 3. I used every single key in my keyboard and it simply doesn't work... neither WASD or the arrow keys work. I've reconfigured the keybinds and still doesn't work. It doesn't even go back to level 1

Can't for the life of me get to level 6. keeps forcing me back to level 4 every time I try going to 6, someone help! got two stars on both mission 5 and 4 do I need all three start to keep moving? 


use the arrow keys instead of the wasd keys.

Someone reported that issue a little ways ago and I've fixed it for the next update

Is the gallery where it has always been? is there something you need to do to unlock it? 



Will there ever be a mobile port?

(2 edits)

A couple more questions

1 How many levels are there in the game right now, I'm stuck on an absurd 9th level

2 How to give rubicite and verdecite to an orc

3 what do these tasks mean

You are currently on the final level.

Just have the items in your inventory  and the conversation will trigger.

Those are the side quests for Thorne.

Dear author, you have a great game, I really like it, but let me ask you, what the fuck? I can't kill this shit for a very long time and I don't think I can even if I shit myself. 

How to beat this shit, this bitch is not Dark souls

When its blue,  use fire element. When its red, use Ice element. When it turns red, its a DPS race before it annihilates you. Im sorry its a bit hard, supporters asked for a challenging fight.... 

Hooray, I did it! Hopefully in the future there will be difficulty levels or something like that

I found a small bug in the free version of the game, when you approach the harpy girl on the bridge during the orc section, you're able to walk off the bridge onto the water, and go through the water unrestricted. I thought I should mention it. You're able to walk back onto the same bridge from the water as well

I would like to help translate the game, how do I do it, contact me on discord?

Hello, sorry I feel I am being stupid - how do I close the game?

After saving, pressing X on the application seems to wipe all my save data.

Is there safe way to enter a menu and quit without loosing data? I cannot find the key.


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Ok, moving my install to documents and running as admin made me able to save - but now I can't load :(

Feel like I'm missing something really obvious.

This sounds like a permissions issue on your PC. What is your operating system?

I'm on windows 11

the second boss is actually impossible, he melts my poise no matter what I try and I get knocked down and killed almost immediately 

most enemies can be killed just by mashing attack honesty 

I cant seem to reach level 6, what am i doing wrong?

Can you give me a little more information?


got the latest version released, and after completing level 5 (deep cave) when I go to move left to level 6 it moves me to the right to the orc village, apologies I was in a rush to leave the house when I posted that.

What do I do when I get the section where you rescue luccia and you get into a fight where you most protect her U cant figure out what to do


Try to parry those attacks until she gets up


Wto do I do after I find Marleys keys 😭😭

In the basement of post 7. Check all the walls

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